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Preguntas Frecuentes

illustrated by Kilkenny
DV/ Abused(FML9)

I am/was a victim of domestic violence

DV/Child Abuse: How many percentage of people, in each generation has this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 1_Graf_Prev2021

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: What kind of changes in risk/resilience factors people may face in future, as the consequence of having this risk factor now? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 2_Consequences

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: What kind of risk factors people had in the past have caused the increase of this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 3_Causes

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: What kind of resilience factors people have help to overcome the impact this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 4_Resilience

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: How have Consequences of this factor on future risks changed over Generation? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 5_Conseq_Risks_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: How have Consequences of this factor on future resiliences changed over Generation? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 6_Conseq_Res_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: How have Risk Factors which caused this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 7_Causes_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: How have Resilience Factors to mitigate the impact of this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 8_Resilience_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
DV/Child Abuse: How much have previous risk factors contributed to the increase of this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 9_Contribution_to_Risks
DV/Child Abuse: How much previous resilience factors have contributed to mitigated this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 10_Contribution to_Res
DV/Child Abuse: What are the impact of various public services to mitigate the impact of this risk factor? Service1: DV/Child Abuse, 11_Service_Impact

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016

1. : : DV/Child Abuse,
See Details
児童虐待防止法の定義を要約すると、まずは保護者が行う行為であること、身体的虐待、性的虐待、ネグレクト(養育の怠慢)、心理的虐待の4つの類型に分けられています。第三条では「何人も児童に対し、虐待をしてはならない」と明記し、虐待行為を明文で禁じています。2004年の法改正で、第一条は、『児童虐待が児童の陣現を著しく侵害し、その心身の成長及び人格の形成に重大な影響を与えると共に、我が国における将来の世代の育成にも懸念を及ぼす」ものであると改められ、児童虐待が人権侵害であることを謳いました(川崎二三彦 2013(第10刷)『児童虐待』)
(contributed by )

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
1. : : DV/Child Abuse,
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(contributed by )

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London

1. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service1: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,




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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
2. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service2: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,
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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
3. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service3: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,
子どもと家庭に関する総合相談窓口を設置: これまでの児童相談、教育相談、少年相談の各機関の窓口を一本化し、子どもや家庭が抱えるあらゆる相談に応じられる総合相談窓口を設置します。
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
4. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: what to do if you are a victim of domestic violence. Service4: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,
児童相談所・こども相談センター・家庭児童相談室では、18歳未満の子ども達に関する様々な相談に応じています。 子どもが健やかに育つよう、ひとりひとりの子どもに あった支援を相談者の方と一緒に考えていきます。 ひとりで悩まず、お気軽にご相談ください。


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M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
5. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service5: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,

See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
6. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service6: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
7. Anti-Child Abbuse Measures: Service7: Anti-Child Abbuse Measures,
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in September London
