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illustrated by Kilkenny
Life-Style Diseases(HLT6)

I have/had life-style related diseases (high blood suger, obesity, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia)

Diseases: How many percentage of people, in each generation has this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 1_Graf_Prev2021

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: What kind of changes in risk/resilience factors people may face in future, as the consequence of having this risk factor now? Service1: Diseases, 2_Consequences

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: What kind of risk factors people had in the past have caused the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 3_Causes

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: What kind of resilience factors people have help to overcome the impact this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 4_Resilience

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: How have Consequences of this factor on future risks changed over Generation? Service1: Diseases, 5_Conseq_Risks_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: How have Consequences of this factor on future resiliences changed over Generation? Service1: Diseases, 6_Conseq_Res_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: How have Risk Factors which caused this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Diseases, 7_Causes_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: How have Resilience Factors to mitigate the impact of this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Diseases, 8_Resilience_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Diseases: How much have previous risk factors contributed to the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 9_Contribution_to_Risks
Diseases: How much previous resilience factors have contributed to mitigated this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 10_Contribution to_Res
Diseases: What are the impact of various public services to mitigate the impact of this risk factor? Service1: Diseases, 11_Service_Impact

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016

(contributed by )

1. Support for People w/ Diseases: Service1: Support for People w/ Diseases,
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in June London
2. Support for People w/ Diseases: Service2: Support for People w/ Diseases,
児童の慢性疾患のうち特定の疾患について,その治療にかかった費用(医療費から医療保険負担額を除いた額)を市が負担します。 (所得により一部自己負担あり)
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in June London
3. Support for People w/ Diseases: Service3: Support for People w/ Diseases,
小児ぜん息(気管支ぜん息またはぜん息性気管支炎)と診断された20歳未満のお子さんに対し、小児ぜん息に係る保険医療費の自己負担額(食事療養標準負担額を除く。)を助成します。  ただし、生活保護を受けている方、公Q健康被害の補償等に関する法律による認定を受けている方は対象となりません。
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in June London
4. Support for People w/ Diseases: Service4: Support for People w/ Diseases,
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in June London
5. Support for People w/ Diseases: Service5: Support for People w/ Diseases,
長期の療養を必要とする結核にかかっている18歳未満の児童で,医師が指定療育医療機関において入院を必要とすると認めたお子さんに医療等を給付します。 保護者の方の所得に応じて、費用を一部ご負担いただきます。 地域により詳細が異なりますので直接お問い合わせください。
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in June London
