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illustrated by Kilkenny
Social Withdrawal(MEN9)

I am isolated and have difficulty in contacting others

A. CCS_Results
Social Withdrawal: How many percentage of people, in each generation has this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 1_Graf_Prev2021

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: What kind of changes in risk/resilience factors people may face in future, as the consequence of having this risk factor now? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 2_Consequences

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: What kind of risk factors people had in the past have caused the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 3_Causes

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: What kind of resilience factors people have help to overcome the impact this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 4_Resilience

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: How have Consequences of this factor on future risks changed over Generation? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 5_Conseq_Risks_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: How have Consequences of this factor on future resiliences changed over Generation? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 6_Conseq_Res_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: How have Risk Factors which caused this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 7_Causes_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: How have Resilience Factors to mitigate the impact of this risk factor changed over Generation? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 8_Resilience_Gen

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016
Social Withdrawal: How much have previous risk factors contributed to the increase of this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 9_Contribution_to_Risks
Social Withdrawal: How much previous resilience factors have contributed to mitigated this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 10_Contribution to_Res
Social Withdrawal: What are the impact of various public services to mitigate the impact of this risk factor? Service1: Social Withdrawal, 11_Service_Impact

M.Kusakabe, Community Carte Survey of 9cities 2010-2016

B. Basic Facts
1. : : Social Withdrawal,
See Details
もともとは「社会的引きこもり」と呼ばれていた状態で、簡単にいえば自宅を中心とした生活を送っていることを指しますが、「社会的」といわれるのは概念の中核が対人関係からの孤立であるからです。つまり、「ひきこもり」とは、家族以外の人間関係から孤立して自宅を中心とした生活を送っていることといえます。通常、想定されているのは主に若者です。社会的ひきこもり以外にも、統合失調症などの精神病や中等度・重症の精神遅滞が原因で自宅を中心にした生活を送っている場合も「ひきこもり」といいます。けれども、「社会的ひきこもり」はこのような精神病・精神遅滞の為に自宅を中心にした生活を送っている人たちは除きます(2009 下山晴彦編 『よくわかる 臨床心理学』。
More Info(contributed by )

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in May London
1. : : Social Withdrawal,
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2.ひきこも り長期 高 齢化 に伴う親亡き後の困窮化の問題

3.地域社会から孤立した家族への早期対応 の必要性

4. 生活困窮者自立支援制度の開始に伴うひきこもり相談の増加 (支援者のニーズ)

5. ひきこもりに関する学習会開催への 要望の高まり (家族・当事者のニーズ)
More Info(contributed by emikok)

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in May London

C. Services
1. Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal: Service1: Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal,

引きこもりは本人にとってもご家族にとっても大変につらい経験です。しかし、その人の状況に応じた適切な対応や支援により、改善が図られます。一人で悩まず、まず、相談をしてみましょう。 全国の都道府県に設置されている精神保健福祉センターでは予約制で、専門家による相談を受け付けています。まず、お住まいになっている住所で登録・ログインを行い、「このサービスを提供している施設」をクリックしてください。
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in May London
2. Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal: Service2: Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal,
See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in May London
3. Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal: Service3: Support for People w/ Social Withdrawal,


See Details

M.Kusakabe, Hampstead in May London

D. Self_Help_Solutions