Creating Your Own Life
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Q-2 高齢者サービス必要度.

Q15-1. 食事の配達サービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-2. 掃除・ゴミ出しなどのサービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-3. 買い物・病院などへの送迎サービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-4. 仲間と語り合ったりする場所の提供
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-5. 定期的に安否を確認してくれる見守りサービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-6. 家の修繕や管理をしてくれるサービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q15-7. 金銭の管理など権利を擁護してくれるサービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service
Q15-8. 運動や歌を歌えるリクリエーションサービス
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service