Creating Your Own Life
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Q-5 健康サービスを育てる.

Q46-1. 親子が近所の広場で集い、ふれあい遊びを通じて社会性の発達を測る
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-2. まち自慢を取り入れた歌と体操を組み合わせ近隣で毎朝実行
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-3. 食・運動・睡眠などの生活習慣の最適目標を作りグループで競争する
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-4. 郷土材料を取り入れ、栄養バランスがとれた料理を開発・普及する
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-5. 近隣の山々から20名山を選び、年間に踏破する仲間作りを行う
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-6. 近隣の寺社・お宮を88か所選び、1年間でそれらを回るグループを作る
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-7. 広場等を利用し、郷土に伝わる季節の遊び道具を作り競争する
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-8. 野山で虫や草花の写真を撮り、その名前を知りその道の博士を決める
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q46-9. 地震・水害などの緊急時に、防災地図を参考にお年寄りを助け最適の避難場所までつれていくゲーム
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service
Q46-10. 郷土の産業を興した人、戦災・災害時の教訓などをお年寄りから聞き、纏め、経験者からの話を聞く会を主催
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service