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Q-6 防災・環境保護サービスを育てる.

Q48-1. 今後の複合的な災害に対して、自宅・オフィス・空き家などを提供し分散避難の場所を提供
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q48-2. 高齢で障害を抱える方々の一人一人の状況に応じた避難計画を立て、実際の避難の補助を行う
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q48-3. 各種災害のハザードマップを提供し、住民が個別の危険をSNSで知らせる機能を持つ
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q48-4. 家庭やオフィスの太陽光発電を地域でまとめ需給を調整する仮想の発電所を創出
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service

Q48-5. 大規模災害に伴う長期の停電に備え、事業所、病院、避難所等に代替エネルギーで水素を発生、燃料電池を使い発電
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service
Q48-6. 地元のかかりつけ医と拠点病院を結び、患者の医療データを個人健康アプリ(PHR)に纏め、遠隔診療を可能とする
Not a Priority Just before employment, Top Priority, Priority, When my eldest child was,
I can Participate in the service deliveries,
Can participate in towns other than my resident town,
I can't offer the Service